Outside my window, the trees are coming back to life they are shining with possibility and it's how I'm feeling after having read this book. Holly Gerth in her book "You're Already Amazing" She is encouraging in her guiding words, using many examples. I really liked how she talks about love and that how God brings and shows up as in love in one person is going to look differently to another, but no less, never that. She is gentle in her approaches, gives helpful exercises to help a person see things from a new set of eyes. Gerth's focus is to stay in motion, she never blames, it is forward 'faith' oriented momentum all the way. This book is highly practical, yet has the rightful feel of some of the wisest thoughts you may come across, pages may become all dog-eared that's what I mean.
Gerth's writing is poetic, and poignant it's like she reaches inside your heart and speaks strength to it. I like that, everyone needs to feel love in a way that they understand, so they can pass it on.
This book happens to me at just the right time, I met a nice guy a couple weeks ago and I felt so at home with him. We met on a beautiful day, wandered the Farmer's Market together. We only had talked a few days before meeting, but somehow ,his quickness to smile and calmness of spirit, really made an impression on me. Sometimes it isn't even how many words are spoken between people it's just that you kind of get what their spirit is about. The man I met loved fishing and people watching among many other things. I think why I liked him so immediately was that he was open to good things happening to him, inviting it in fact. We talked about nature a whole lot and how much it teaches us. We were supposed to meet up again and I wondered why I had not heard from him. Well, this evening I received a text message from his ex girlfriend saying that he had passed away. I was saddened about it, as I was just getting to know him.
The parallels between how I felt after reading this book and after meeting my new friend were so similar. When I met him I felt warmer having met him, wiser. Gerth's book does this too, she encourages us to ask questions to search for meaning. The theme of meeting my friend and to of this book are we are each here for a reason, that we each have many things to offer and to receive. To let the grace of that flow in is by saying yes to being open, asking the hard questions, and having faith when we don't know or see the next chapter. I'm thankful to have met him, though it was a short time I learned a lot from him about life, about myself. This book too has me looking at myself with a whole new light. I'm thinking yes, yes I choose yes to new moments of a sweet smile and to the new leaves ready to bloom! I recommend this book to certainly women, but anyone who wants to work on their relationship with themselves first, conversely with those close to them. You'd be surprised at what you don't know about yourself!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
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